WASD/Buttons to move, Enter to summon moving NPC! When you move around, the map tiles will reveal themselves. NPCs, as of now, will always be visible.

NPC movement - randomly moves in any cardinal direction, has a 5% chance of warping to a different in-bounds location

ver 0.1.0 - posted to itch.io! 

ver 0.2.0 - major overhaul! there are now somewhat proper visuals, and the godot version has been completely updated!

ver 0.2.1 - arrow buttons added for playing on mobile :D

ver 0.2.2 - MAJOR IMPROVEMENT!!!! I FINALLY GOT AUTOTILE WORKING!!!!! god bless user-created addons for godot

ver 0.2.3 - inventory added. It contains many placeholder items, and useless lore.

ver 0.2.4 - inventory expanded, now contains more silliness :3


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