WASD to move, E to projectile, R to return to start location, Q to Ball!      website refresh button to completely refresh the website

Balling! guide - hold w, a, or d to charge a movement pulse, and release to move. You will know when it is fully charged because the flashing will disappear. Charging a movement pulse will slow movement, until charged to full. Vertical pulse has a longer charge time than horizontal.

ver 0.1.5 - rainbowed accents, edited Balling! mode, added flame tiles, removed dynamic light (dont worry, it shall return in the future!) probably more stuff i really dont remember right now

ver 0.1.4 - added box, added more scale tiles, reworked collision physics slightly, added Balling! mode, reversed update log order 

ver 0.1.3 - zero grav tunnel implemented, reset button implemented

ver 0.1.2 - slopes no longer slide super hard, character doesn't fall off of edges as soon

ver 0.1.1 - fixed lighting, crouch no longer accelerates super fast


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neat looking